Stress Can Cause Hair Loss

Stressed woman
Photo: Pressmaster/Shutterstock
Hair loss can be stress-related. Unfortunately, there isn't any way to avoid stress in our lives. If we were to live in a cave away from all people, something would upset us in that cave. Stress is here to stay, but we can learn how to cope with it.
Many times the stress of a death, a severe weight loss, surgery, illness, drugs, or hypothyroidism can all produce something technically called "telogen effluvium." This is when the emotional or physical stress pushes large amounts of healthy hair into a resting phase.
Remember how it seems like your hair will only grow to a certain length? This is because it has gone into a resting phase. Sometimes there is a loss of those hairs. If the hair does fall out, it will come back; but it usually takes months for the cycle to start again.
Another hair loss condition known to be caused by stress is alopecia areata, which is when your white blood cells attack your hair follicles and stop hair growth. The hair begins to come out in small patches and sometimes it spreads across the head, depending on the severity of the attack. Anytime something like this happens, it is always important to see your doctor, as he may have a treatment that would speed up the regrowth of your hair and he may want to take tests.
It is understandable with today's economy how most people are burning the candle at both ends and trying to stay afloat with their finances. Sometimes, the worries of raising children, grandchildren, or caring for aging parents can gnaw away at you while lying in bed at night. Although our bodies are well-equipped to handle the rush of adrenaline and cortisol that raises our blood pressure and increases our blood sugar when we become upset, there will be times when it all seems to go haywire.
We all have our reactions set individually as to how we respond to stress. Our genetics play a part, and other times it could also be what we learned while growing up. If we were neglected or abused, we usually find ourselves vulnerable to stress as adults.
How to combat stress:
1. Exercise.
Get moving; it will be good for your heart, your weight, and outlook. Find a fun and appealing way to be active and make it a lifestyle.
2. Relaxation Techniques
Some people meditate, while others pray. Learn deep breathing. Take a long, leisurely bath. You will be amazed at how good that will make you feel.
3. Fostering healthy friendships
There is an old saying that if everyone has at least one good friend they can talk to, they will never need to go to a therapist.
4. Getting enough sleep
Whatever it takes, it is important to get your sleep. Muzzle your dog and cover your birds. Be active during the day time, you will be too tired to stress about your latest worry. Reading a book will help put you to sleep. Taking 7 deep breaths will train your body to start breathing better and you'll be able to fall asleep faster. Think about buying a new bed.
5. Professional counseling or psychotherapy
If you need a professional counselor, don't put it off any longer; there may be a lot to be learned from their advice. Seek one by referral; the peace of mind will be worth it all and it may just keep the hair on your head.
See also:
Hair loss treatment
Genetic hair loss