Going Gray (2)

Beautiful gray hair for men and women
Photo: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock
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"People with dark hair go gray quicker than people with light hair" is another gray hair fable. While there is no degree of truth in this theory, because gray hairs show up more on darker hair, it gives the illusion that a person with dark hair is grayer than they actually are.
How to prevent, cure or curb gray hair?
Unlike the plethora of products available to prevent, cure, and curb hair loss, similar products for tackling the onset and development of gray hair are relatively nonexistent. Although there is a relatively recent product that claims to prevent and reverse gray hair.
A tablet called Melancor produces melanocytes, which increases a person's ability to generate melanin pigments in their body. Melanin are the pigments which produce color, so by triggering an increase in these pigments, Melancor helps to overcome grayness. These anti-gray tablets also wield an intense action on melanocytes, causing stored melanin to become active and increasing the size and amount of strands of hair in a person's natural color.
Another treatment called Promel works in a similar way by reactivating melanocytes and subsequently restoring hair to its natural color. Although the effectiveness of such products remains relatively unreported.
Dyeing hair that is going gray is by far the most popular and effective way to disguise nature's way of letting us know age is knocking at our door. Should we be visiting the hair salon every two weeks to fervently disguise our gray roots? Or should we be embracing our grayness as a sign of sophistication, glamour, and even sexiness?
An older woman who is enjoying her long gray hair
Photo: Instaphotos via Canva
Self Obsessed or Human?
For years, men have been deemed sexy and dignified when they have a full head of gray hair. George Clooney and Steve Martin come to mind - attractive, charming, and successful men whose silver and distinguished locks enhance their sex appeal significantly. Why is this not the case for women?
Because society has a deeply-rooted conviction that women with gray hair are well past their expiration date. While a long list of celebrity men with sexy gray hair can be quickly recited, it is hard to think of any women whose gray mane enhanced her sex appeal or career in any way.
It is, albeit, impossible to name one woman in the public eye who proudly dons her gray locks and receives credibility and admirers for doing so, because celebrity women, even more so than common folk, are intent on covering up any sign of gray with lashings of colorants and chemicals.
Is this self-obsession? Or is this just a natural human reaction to getting older? We are in an era where growing old gracefully is not part of the equation and retaining one's youth is paramount, especially for celebrities.
Unlike wrinkles and hair growing from our nose and ears, gray hair should not take away from the phenomenon of youth. As Rod Stewart once sang, "Youth's a mask and it don't last" - instead of masking our gray tresses in an attempt to desperately cling to our youth, we should embrace it and, in doing so, abolish trying to mask our true identities.
See also:
Gray hair Q&A
Hair coloring Q&A