Practical Tips for Your Hair Salon (6)

Styling the hair of a salon client
Photo: Dreamstime
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Items to sell
There is money to be made in beauty products, and when you give a decent percentage to your employees, they will want to sell the shampoos and other items that are on your shelves. Keep them dusted! A dusty shelf of products speaks to the consumer as a place that is untidy and unused. Most importantly, know your products and believe in what you are selling.
It shouldn’t take a cosmetology inspector to tell you that your curling irons need to be cleaned and that you have hair in your brushes and combs. Just like when you first learned in school, you take the hair out of your brushes and combs first and wash them with soap and water before you put them in the sanitizer. This should not change when you get a job. Caked-on setting lotions and spraying on your curling irons are not conducive to good hygiene or a good hair salon reputation. Clients see these things and then later talk about them.
When you take the time to interview a potential employee, also take the time to ask her about how and when she sanitizes her tools. She may have done it "her way" for so long she may have forgotten the correct way. With the onset of so many transmitted diseases today, it is vital that you take the time to hire only those who care enough to keep their station and tools clean. If you do this, then a good reputation will precede you.
Children’s Corner
There are entire hair salons built around children with fantasy chairs for them to sit on while you cut their hair, but unless you have a well-behaved child, none of the accessories will work. If you are gifted at dealing with children and their demanding ways, you might consider having a children's corner in your hair salon.
The children's corner would be a special place filled with bright polka-dotted colors on the walls and maybe a television to keep them occupied while you do their hair. The whole idea is to keep their minds busy while both of you chat, so you can cut.
Hair products to sell in your salon
Image: AI illustration
Your Own Station
The location of your hairstyling station usually depends upon how your hair salon is laid out. You might not want it too far away from the reception desk, just so you can oversee what is going on. And it is important that it is not too far away from the shampoo stations so your client won't have to walk three rooms away or in front of a bunch of other women or men while their hair is in foils or tint. In some hair salons, there are separate rooms for the colorist to apply the color, along with a shampoo bowl and chair, and the restroom is usually just a step away.
While deciding how you would like to design your salon, another decision to consider is whether you want separate rooms. More always means more financially. There are ways you can cut corners and add on as you grow. If you have a colorist who will be doing all of your colors and do not have the means or plans for a separate room at the time, why not consider a foldable portable partition? They have some very appealing ones that are sure to complement your color theme, and that is a great way to start.
Women don't necessarily want to be seen with their hair in curlers, with tint on, foils, or with perm rods in their hair. Women like their privacy while going through their beautifying process.
Things You Should Have
Besides the comb-out stations and wet stations, there are always dryers to consider to speed up the process of perming, tinting, bleaching, or foiling. You could always start with two and increase your quantity as you increase your productivity.
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