Up-Style for Mid-Length Hair

Updo for medium length hair
Most women enjoy the convenience and ease of care granted by today's shorter hairstyles, yet when it comes time to attend that special event, they feel compelled to accept the sleek, slicked-back hairstyle. In some cases, sleek is the way to go, and if that's your personal preference, don't hesitate to grab the gel and go for it.
But if your problem is that your hair is just too short to pull back into the classic French Twist, consider this: a shorter updo with more interest.
Step One:
Remember that freshly washed hair is much harder to work with in updo styling. Clean, healthy hair is silky and smooth and easily resists confinement with hairpins. The stylist will need to "rough-up" the hair, and usually add hairspray and other product to give the hair some texture.
To begin, brush out the hair thoroughly to remove any tangles, then section off the hair along the front and sides, stopping at the crown of the head. Take the crown hair in hand like a ponytail and divide it into wo equal parts. Back-comb (or tease) the inside of the divided section 8-12 times for each half and rejoin them. Run your comb lightly over the outside of the section to re-smooth the exterior of the section.
Updo for mid length hair how to - Section off the hair along the front and sides
Updo for mid length hair how to - Create a small French style twist
Then, create a small 'French-style' twist with this section and pin it securely using two large bobby pins crossed into an "x" or "+" formation. Tuck the ends of the hair carefully underneath the twist, mist with hairspray and smooth lightly with your comb or fingers. This will be the base of your up-style.
Step Two:
Start with the hair at the nape of the neck and section it into segments roughly 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide. Apply a little hairspray to the segment and comb it through until dry. Try to always comb in the direction you want the hair to be placed. This will help the hair to stay together and will make the section look like a ribbon.
Updo for mid length hair how to - Section the hair into segments
Updo for medium length hair - Tuck the ends of the hair under
Slide a bobby pin (wavy side out) onto the segment about one-quarter of the length from the end. Holding the bobby pin, flip it over and grab the end of the hair and pull the segment up and slip the pin into the twist to anchor it. Tuck the ends of the segment under the segment using the tail of your comb, mist with spray and smooth gently.
Repeat this step until you've worked through all the hair at the nape of the neck. You can feel free to cross over previously placed segments. Use your own judgment and sense of aesthetics. The more interest you create, the better the hairstyle, generally.
Do the same with the sections of the hair on the sides and top. Use the positioning of the segments to cover any partings you make. Feel free to take out a pin and reposition any segment if you are not satisfied with the result. Once finished, mist the hair again with spray and gently pat down any stray hairs.
Updo for medium length hair
Updo for mid-length hair with jeweled hairpins
The style can then be adorned with jeweled hairpins at the "flip point" of each segment, small flowers tucked into the folds of the hair, or a single large ornament - or any combination thereof.
The result is a very fanciful style with a lot of interest that looks both elegant and formal, and is sure to please.
See also:
Cutting instructions for the basic circle haircut for this updo
More hair styling instructions
More about up styles