Venus Style by LLONGUERAS

Easy to wear hair
With Venus as his muse Llongueras created hairstyles that appeal to our senses and provide a bold powerful expression while they are surprisingly easy to wear. The effortlessness in every strand is beyond alluring.
Hair colors come in multiple shades and surround us glamorously with an intriguing halo of luminescence. Golden blondes and platinum highlights of shimmering smoke weave their web of seduction in irregular shapes with jagged edges.
Textures come with rough edges, partially razor cut, which are balanced by soft shapes and a feathery lightness. The influence of sexy 80s design is undeniable.

Platinum Pixie with Curls

Blonde pixie with curls
Modern hairstyles with curls
Only a bold designer combines a semi spiky pixie cut with long, curled tendrils. This refreshing combination is super sexy in a lighthearted, playful way. Sassy and unconventional it lures us in with irresistible charm. It might be challenging to cut, but pure fun to wear. The short pixie has an asymmetrical slant with extended length around the lower edges.
The sides are adorned with thin longer strands, curled with delight and adding Venusian femininity to a tomboyish base cut. Her hair color transitions from a golden, light blonde in the roots to a bright starshine platinum along all edges.

Multilength Bob

Bob haircut colored with streaks
Her cat eyes don't get all of the attention anymore with a haircut of this intricacy and boldness of design. The bob is one of the most adjustable changelings in the world of hair and under the skilled hands of Llongueras, the classic turns into a post modern statement of hair fashion.
The main body of hair is cut at jaw length, but longer tendrils break the boundaries in an iridescent display of texture, light and shadow. The theme is repeated in the jagged fringe and in the hair coloring which incorporates dark blonde shades of caramel and streaks of creamy platinum. The stylish asymmetry is the frosting on the already delicious cake.

Roughing It

Short hair with an irregular cutting line
Avantgarde as it was meant to be. Jagged, rough with an irregular pattern created by textured layers. Wispy effects are curbed and replaced by determined structure with a full body. The fringe sets the tone with its irregular cutting line that is repeated around the entire perimeter.
A very subtle asymmetry adds to the excitement. This short hairstyle has not only a bold expression but also an indestructible character, softened by the golden, dark blonde hair with its radiant shimmer.

Golden Shag

Shag with short top hair
Short top hair and a generous long neck bring back the flavor of the 80s in a sexy golden blonde color. Her style features a variety of textures and patterns in the hair. Scrunched curls on top ease into a straighter texture in the lengths. Edges are rough with diagonal cuts in the tips. Her hair color is a medium blonde with golden effects, placed strategically around her face.
The fringe consists of loose, thick strands, split in the center to open up a triangular shape that accentuates her eyes. This look can easily be styled with the fingers and no matter how much you shake it, it was keep its alluring shape.

Quiffed and Curled

Curled masculine hai
Modern styles for curled hair
Androgyny steeped in flamboyant exuberance. Beaus of the new millennium cross lines of gender and stylistic elements. His hairstyle spells romance for a new generation of open minded fashionistos. A thoroughly curled 50s inspired mega quiff hovers almost weightlessly on his head.
The strict, gel slicked sides together with the fine sideburns bring in a balancing masculine element. Playful, creative and daring from core to tip. A warm brown creates its own light show with fine highlights and a reflective, shiny surface.
Hairstyles: LLONGUERAS
Photography: David Arnal