Couper & Co, Falkirk

Connie explains the look that caught the judges eye and clinched her a place in the Grand Final; "I thoroughly researched the forthcoming trends and Philip Lim's Autumn/Winter 2009 collection really stood out as an inspiration. I kept my model's hair smooth and tailored. It's a classic, sophisticated and masculine look that would appeal to a lot of my male clients."
Couper & Co could well be remembered for the award winning haircut with simplistic lines that flow smoothly in sync around the nape in the back and over the ears. This true gentleman's haircut is shaded darker in the front that is shown upon his forehead and along the bottom around the ears that became a real attention getter.
Forthcoming hair trends according to Couper & Co
More Grand Finalists
Photo Credits: L'Oréal Professionnel
See also: Men's hairstyles