Reverse Heat Damage

Hair loss and damage due to heat styling
Photo: Shutterstock
Q: My hair above my forehead is becoming a lot thinner and limp from the root, and beginning to show through to my scalp. I am only 20 years old, however. I am sure this is happening due to heat damage.
Is it possible to reverse this damage as I have thick hair except at the front where I have been using my straightener? If I was to stop using heat, eat healthily, etc. will the thickness and volume return? Please could you advise me on what to do?

A: Thinning hair and loss of hair is a very vast field on its own. There are so many factors that have to be taken into consideration. Have you a family history of premature hair loss? Hair loss often begins in the front of the hairline. Did your mother or aunts suffer premature hair loss?
Are you going through a specifically stressful time in your life, or did you recently go through a difficult time? Have you recently started a new diet? Can you see how just these few questions will give wildly different answers to your question? But since I don’t have this information, I’ll work with what you gave me.
Yes, it is possible for excessive breakage to occur when one applies heat techniques to hair. Especially when you take into account that very few girls and women really understand the immense importance of heat protection products. If you use heat styling techniques (blow dryer, flat iron, curling tong, etc.) on your hair, you HAVE to use a heat protection product.
It doesn’t matter how little or regularly you use heat styling. When you pick up that hair-dryer or flat-iron, your hair HAS to be protected. If not, you will suffer the damage. This point is not negotiable; it doesn’t matter how healthy, strong, thick or whatever else your hair is.
Heat is damaging and potentially devastating to the condition of your hair if you don’t know what you’re doing or don’t follow the rules. Let’s assume that this is the reason for your hair falling out. What happens in this scenario is that the hair actually breaks off at the root. The structure of your hair isn’t getting thinner, the actual amount of hair that you have on your head is decreasing, because you’re breaking it off with all the heat styling.
Can you repair this damage? No, you can’t. You can buy some keratin-based leave-in conditioner to strengthen your hair, and leave off the heat styling for a while. You’ll see the “baby-hair” start to grow back at your hair line. Just remember these new hairs are fragile and break easily, so handle your hair with extreme care.
When you’re done with the worst of your damage repair phase, you can gradually start to incorporate heat styling into your schedule again. Don’t heat style every day and make sure that you apply heat protection products and that you use the correct methods while styling.
If you’re unsure whether you’re using the correct methods, simply search the web for some in-depth YouTube videos that do step-by-step tutorials. The best bet is probably to go to your hairdresser and ask her/him to explain and show you how to style your hair most effectively with the least negative repercussions to the health of your hair. Good luck!
See also:
Heat Styling Basics
Curling Iron & Flat Iron Damage
Thermal Protectant Spray for Hair