Fix Split Ends

Long hair with split ends
Photo: Shutterstock
Q: Hey, I have spit ends and I need to fix them. I don't have any split ends at the bottom of my hair, it's mostly underneath and towards the middle. I don't really want to have to cut my hair to get the split ends off because then it would have to be really short.
Two years ago I used to straighten my hair a lot. Then I stopped and now I never straighten it. I wash it every other day. I use some serum, and I put it in my hair every time I go out. I use Dove as my hair wash. Do you have any more tips on how I can fix the split ends? Can you show me good hair care products to use for this?

A: The bad news is that there is no way to “fix” split ends. After the structure of the hair has split into two, there is no way in repairing it again. What you really should do in this situation is to prevent the hair from splitting further up the length of the hair shaft.
When the tip of the hair has been split, there’s a good chance that the hair will continuously split along the length of the hair. When this happens, the whole hair strand is destroyed, and you’ll have to get rid of the entire length of the hair.
So yes, the best solution would be to cut off the damaged ends. But as you say that you don’t want to cut your hair now, we can look at the alternatives. Your number one priority is to protect the hair from splitting further. In your situation I would suggest that you take steps to protect the hair from any further damage, give your hair a few months to grow further, and then definitely get rid of the split ends.
The best thing that you can do for your hair at this stage is to get a professional Keratin treatment done at a certified salon. The Keratin treatment is a biochemical process where keratin protein is chemically attached to the cortex and other inner layers of the hair shaft, followed by a process where the hair cuticles are closed and sealed to an extent to ensure that the keratin proteins stay attached to the inner-layer of the hair shaft. Your hair will be much smoother, stronger and healthier after the treatment than it was before. This can be a little expensive, but it really is the best thing that you can do for your hair right now.
Graphic illustrating the difference bewteen split ends and damaged hair
I would also recommend that you buy a salon professional series shampoo, conditioner and weekly treatment for your hair. The Joico K-Pak range would be perfect for your hair right now, especially the Joico K-Pak Reconstructor treatment. The Reconstructor has the highest concentration of Quadramine Complex; which is Joico’s famous protein-stocked repair formula. It is specifically designed to reconstruct and protect the damaged strands and split ends that you’re dealing with right now. If you have to choose only one treatment; then I’d definitely recommend this one. This product won the Stylist Choice Awards for Favorite Damage Repair Product.
You also need to reduce any heat styling techniques to the absolute minimum while you’re trying to protect your hair while going through this growing-out phase. If possible, don’t use a blow dryer, flat iron, curling tong, etc. at all. If you have an important event to go to and have to style your hair, make sure that you use a high-quality heat protection product before applying any sort of heat to the hair. Also stick to using only the blow dryer, and avoid the flat iron at all costs.
Follow the above advice, and then have your tips cut when you hair is long enough.
See also: Split-Ender