Reverse Bob for Curly Hair

Reverse bob cut for curly hair
Photo: Look Studio/Shutterstock
Q: I have very thick curly hair. It poofs very easily. It even poofs when I straighten it with and iron or blow dryer. I want to cut it short to make it more manageable, but am afraid of getting an Afro.
I have seen posts online from people who have gotten a reversed bob cut. They all say it looks good with curly hair even if it's not straightened, but I haven't been able to find any pics of it. Does a reverse bob go well with very thick curly hair?

A: The reverse bob is indeed a marvelous choice for many women with curly hair. However, the definition of "curly" hair can be misleading as its definition is often very subjective.
For those with very curly (almost kinky) hair, the reverse bob can result in too much volume in unfortunate areas and the hair ends up looking more like a topiary sculpture than an actual hairstyle.
With the level of curl you describe, you need to talk over any potential change in your hair's length with your stylist carefully so that you understand exactly what you can expect.
If you are really looking for a hairstyle that is easier to maintain and flattering, perhaps you should discuss texture services with your stylist. There are many new products available for straightening, smoothing and reshaping curly hair into less voluminous and easier to manage forms.
You might find that you won't need to cut your hair at all if you reduce some of the fullness caused by the curly nature.
See also:
Curly hair and hairstyles
Pictures of reversed bob haircuts
How to cut a short stacked bob
Would an inverted V haircut work with curly hair?