Get Your Hair's Elasticity Back

Young lady wondering about hair elasticity
Photo: Dreamstime
Q: How do you get your hair’s elasticity back?
A: The honest truth is that only time and re-growth will restore your hair’s elasticity. However, that being said, it’s important to address the issues that have caused your problem initially, and to deal with these issues in the interim.
Chemical processes – such as coloring, bleaching, perming and chemical straightening – can have cumulative effects on the elasticity of the hair. The worst of these culprits are sodium hydroxide relaxers which destroy the chemical side bonds in the hair in order to have the hair be straighter and less wavy.
However, repeated application of the other chemical processes can result in just as much damage and when added to the cumulative effects of heat styling and drying, the end result can be unfortunate.
Minor elasticity damage can be helped by the use of restorative products that help repair the cysteine in the hair. It’s important however, to note that you can only really repair the appearance of the hair, and that the true “restoration” comes as a result of keeping the hair as healthy as possible while the damaged portions are grown out and trimmed away.
We have to remember that our hair, like our nails, are not “living tissue” they are keratinized proteins that are created by the living tissues of the follicles in the skin and the nail matrices in the fingertips.
Because of this, the repair and restorations that are offered by various products are the more along the lines of repairing broken or damaged objects than of actual “healing”. You wouldn’t heal a broken vase, but you can mend it, so that it looks restored.
See also:
How to test the elasticity of your hair
What hair is made of and how it grows
How hair elasticity affects a haircut