Thermal Restructuring and Aftercare

Washing straightened hair
Photo: Andriano/Shutterstock
Q: My question is about the thermal restructuring process. You say that the hair is permanently straight except for the new growth.
So, if you wash your hair will the part that was treated by the thermal restructuring turn curly when it gets wet or does it stay straight?

A: The technicians who train in performing the Thermal Restructuring (TR) services say that after the service is given, the hair must be kept from getting wet for as much as 3 days, but that after this, you can style your hair in any way you wish.
As long as you follow the technician's aftercare instructions carefully, your hair will remain straight and silky for a long time. After the initial waiting period, you can wash your hair normally (though there may be special products recommended based on your hair type available at the salon). The portions of your hair that grow in after the straightening process will be the same wave pattern as before - your natural wave pattern.
Aside from the tightest, curliest hair types, most people find that their straight results look good for at least six months, even with the new growth. The hair will have a little more volume at the scalp, but will remain smooth-looking and easy to manage.
See also:
Permanent hair straightening
How soon after thermal straightening can I wash and style my hair?
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