Fuller Beard

Man with a full beard
Photo: Syda Productions/Shutterstock
Q: Hi, I just crossed your site. I liked the whole thing and thought I would ask a question. I am trying to grow a beard, and it's coming in ok. It is growing somewhat, but it is thin, unlike my hair because my hair is very thick. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to get my beard to come in fuller. Thanks.
A: Facial hair grows in much the same way as the hair on your head and at roughly the same rate of growth or faster in some cases. In fact, the biggest differences in the hair on the face as compared to the hair on the head are that facial hair tends to be coarser in texture, and often more curly.
However, like the hair on the head, there's little you can do to change the way the hair grows - either rate of growth or density - unless you have a specific condition that is causing abnormal growth (or an abnormal lack of hair). In cases of suspected abnormal development of hair (either over-production or under-production) you will need to see a doctor to verify the condition and determine causes.
In most cases, though, it is simply a matter of individual genetics and age. Young men will develop facial hair at different rates. Some young men need to shave daily by the time they are a senior in high school, while others reach their mid-twenties without being able to grow reasonable facial hair. The plus side is that most men will find that their facial hair grows thicker as they get older, so in most cases, getting fuller facial hair is simply a matter of patience.
The key for you at this point is to simply find a beard style that is most flattering for you, given the amount of fullness you currently can manage. In cases where the beard hair isn't as dense, keeping the length a little longer will help.
If you prefer a well-groomed look and are concerned that extra length will make the facial hair appear too bushy, you can always use a little pomade and a natural bristle brush to give a smoother, more closely trimmed appearance.
See also:
How fast do all areas of facial hair grow?
Stylish looks for men's faces
Beards and the shape of your face
Basic styles for moustaches and beards