Stylish in Shorts

Young women who are choosing shorts
Photo: Lakov Filimonov/Shutterstock
Shorts are one piece of women’s clothing that has continuously redefined attitudes towards fashion. While back in the day, shorts were meant for school going girls and teens. Not any more, women past 40 are also no longer afraid to flaunt some serious leg in teeny weenie shorts, and why should they be? After all they have worked hard to keep themselves fit past forty.
So today shorts are essentially all age clothing. They are not elegant, they were never meant to be, they are sexy, chic, boyish, carefree and a sure sign of spring! While your boss may allow you to wear a short skirt in the office, no way that he will do so with short shorts, such is their effect!
However having said all that, its also true that shorts are not for everyone. If you are not confident about your legs, chances are that you give the shorts a skip.
A short guide to shorts
There are some very important things to keep in mind while you are buying yourselves a pair of shorts:
• Be very careful to select shorts that fit you very well. While trying, do whatever you can, bend, stretch, run (!) to see that they fit well.
• If they are too tight you will get a muffin top and besides there’s every danger of your shorts getting ripped open from the back side when you bend.
• While short shorts are sexy and perfect this summer, just make sure you don’t cross the line between being sexy and crass.
• Even if short shorts are nothing but panties glorified, still smiling lips and blushing cheeks are a no-no in public!
• Check out the material of the shorts, if it’s too transparent then give it a second thought. Others don’t need to know if you are wearing underwear or not!
What’s your body type?
• If you have wider hips than normal or are pear shaped, then its best to avoid narrow, tight fitting shorts, instead go for straight legged shorts, they emphasize
your hips very well.
Shorts for all occasions
• Shorts are handy for almost any occasion. Silky shorts with an elegant silky top are good to go for the evening. Keep those tiny hot pants for the beach.
• The key is to have a good collection of different short styles like jogging, long legged, short boxer types, short shorts etc for different occasions.
Shoes with shorts
• Right footwear with shorts is also very important to complete your look. Take advantage of the leg lengthening illusion created by shorts by going for high heels. However shorter petite girls can opt for pumps or wedgies as well.
Take care of your legs
• Needless to say, legs are your most important assets when it comes to wearing shorts. So take good care of your legs if you love your shorts.
• Smooth hair free legs are always more appealing and so make sure to shave your legs especially when the summer approaches.
• If wearing shorts gives you an added incentive to work out and tone up your legs than it’s a double whammy.
For young girls wearing shorts is a way to playfully emphasize their youth. For older ladies it’s a sign of self confidence. Or without complicating things, shorts are simply the most comfortable piece of clothing in summers. Just a few precautions to avoid any fashion mishaps and the world of shorts is all for you to explore.