Following the Polka Dot Trend

Woman with long hair wearing a silk polka dot blouse
Photo: FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock
Guess who’s back, back again? The polka dots are back with a vengeance, not that they ever went anywhere, but they keep making these big ‘comebacks’ almost every season. This season we have already witnessed celebrities like Christina Ricci, Jennifer Connelly and Katie Holmes sport polka dot dresses. So ladies, get ready, it's time to put the funk back into your wardrobe.
It was a certain Ms. Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman who started it all, or at least rediscovered the phenomena, the classic polka dot dress. Her brown dress with cream colored polka dots was all that was needed to fire every woman’s imagination. Almost two decades on, the ‘trend’ refuses to go away. So in that sense it’s not a trend, it’s a style statement that never gets too old.
So what is it about Polka dots, which seems so alluring, so desirable?
• The answer lies in their multi faceted personality. They are fun, whimsical, retro, funky and feminine all at the same time.
• Any body can wear them, from the little baby girl to the grand old ma, it suites all ages and all tastes.
• Better still, you can have them the way you like them, from you head band to shoes and everything else in between, polka dots can fit in anywhere.
• The polka dots are for you even if you are not a big fan. Chuck the polka dot dress, instead add a polka dot accessory (like a scarf, a hand bag) to jazz up your look!
• The polka dot bikini is sassy and flirty, gives you a certain naughty and playful charm.
• How about going a step further, why limit yourself the polka dots to your wardrobe? Try a polka dot clock, polka dot vase, polka dot carpet or polka dot furniture for your house!!
The Polka dot dress or blouse
• The polka dots on dresses and blouses come in all shapes, forms and colors.
• For a classic look, go for neutral color polka dots on long flowing dresses or a polka dot blouse with plain skirt.
• Planning for wedding? Do consider a white polka dot dress to make your special day even more stylish.
• For a snazzier look turn to retro style polka dots in bright colors and pair them with equally retro goggles, to give yourself an unmistakable feel of youth.
• While wearing polka dot dresses; keep in mind not to accessorize too much, as that might make your entire look seem a bit overcrowded.
The Polka Dot Accessories
• A bit of polka splash to your regular outfits adds a lot of vibrancy and style to your ensemble.
• Try a pair of polka dot socks with your short dress, or a polka dot snazzy headband, to show off your playful side.
• With your little black dress in place, clutch onto a funky polka dot handbag to make a simple yet stylish fashion statement.
The polka dot trend is here to stay, it might go down one season but it’s never going to go out. Its universal appeal and style quotient make it a must have in your wardrobe, be it a dress or some accessories. Ignore the polka dot trend at your own risk.