Beauty Gifts for Mother's Day

Flowers for mothers' days
Photo: Guschenkova/Shutterstock
With Mother’s Day fast approaching, many of us are looking for gifts that will make a change of pace from the usual boring Mother’s Day presents. Most mothers expect to be deluged with colognes, bath oils, flower baskets, potted plants, dinners out, etc.
Some of these gifts are thought-out carefully and are items that the mother in question truly wants to have, but for the most part, we end up giving a gift because we cannot think of anything else to give.
We’re here today to hopefully help you change your gifting habits this year. While many of us think that we really know our parents, Mother’s Day is a perfect time to see just how much you know about the person who raised you, cared for you and saw to it that you grew into the person you are today. So, in the spirit of learning about one another, let’s discuss Mother’s Day gift ideas that afford you the chance to become reacquainted.
Mother & Child Spa Day
Nothing feels quite the same as being pampered and fussed over at the spa. From facials and manicures, to mud baths, hot stone massages, and the traditional salon services, sharing a spa day with your mother gives you countless opportunities to catch up on who you are as people. Just remember that you don’t want to ask the same questions you always ask. You both already know how the rest of the family is doing.
Instead, ask her about her favorite writer (both current and all-time favorites), or if she’s tried any new food styles that she enjoyed (especially if she didn’t expect to). In short, ask questions about things that you don’t know. Encourage her to share her story with you.
Of course, if you can’t afford a day at the spa, you can still have a spa day. Make your own spa day for your mom, and give her a manicure/pedicure, facial, and a warm oil massage (or at least massage her hands and feet). Rent a couple of movies (or better yet, each of you bring your favorite movie) and share the time while you pamper mom.
Custom Gift Basket
We all know that our Moms have “favorite things” that they only treat themselves with on rare occasion. For my Mom, it’s a certain Parfum that she adores, but will never buy for herself because she refuses to spend the money. So every two or three years, I pick a holiday at random and surprise her with a bottle.
Whether your budget will support actual Parfum, you can still make a special gift out of more mundane items. Ask your Mom what her favorite hair care products are. Share your preferences with her, to make it seem like a simple conversation, and find out what she likes about the products. Is it the fragrance? Is it the way the products work? Does she like a particular brand or does she mix and match her favorites from various makers?
Once you have this information, do a little shopping. Get a gift basket or bag and buy her all those products she might not ordinarily get for herself (and if they are things she gets for herself, throw in a few things that you like that you think she might enjoy). Be sure to include little incidentals that we always mean to get but never manage to remember: like cotton pads for applying and removing moisturizers and facial cleansers or make-up removers. The gift doesn’t have to be expensive, just thought out and personally selected; that’s what will make a big difference.
The thing to remember is that the goal here is to engage with your Mother and enjoy all the things about her of which you may not have been aware. Beauty care is something most mothers and daughters share and it provides a great backdrop for some high-quality bonding time. Whether it’s a simple pedicure at the local nail salon, a full-blown spa day, or talking over a personalized gift bag of your favorite products, you can be sure that you can learn something you didn’t know with a little effort.