How to Downplay a Large Butt

A female butt
Photo: Chajamp/Shutterstock
Fashion is about making the most of your body to look beautiful and gorgeous, irrespective of your body type and body size. Stylish dressing and looking beautiful is all about highlighting your best features and camouflaging the flaws.
Selecting the right cut, color, and print is important to give an appearance of being slimmer. If you are bestowed with ample bottoms, then you can downplay them by dressing correctly.
Follow the tips below to diminish those ample bottoms:
1. Pants and Trousers
While selecting your pants and trousers, be careful to choose the right cut.
• Always select loose fitting, wide-leg pants with flared or boot cut as these would balance your silhouette and give your bottom a smaller look.
• Don't buy pants which have back pockets or any detailing in and around the buttocks as these will highlight the area and make your bottom look large.
• Avoid pant cuts that cups your buttock cheeks. Go for front pleats and pockets, but make sure that there is not too much of fabric in the pleats.
• Steer clear of tapered trousers, which will emphasize a big bottom.
• If possible, go for side fastening pants rather than pants with zips in the front.
2. Skirts
Choose skirts that skim and camouflage your bottom.
• A flare cut skirt is the best bet to camouflage an ample bottom as it will draw attention more to the lower legs than your bottom.
• You can also go for ruched-front skirt to balance your figure.
• Choose full skirts to minimize your bottom and give a balanced look.
• If you want to go for an A-line skirt, then choose one that hangs loosely, rather than a tight fit, which will make your bottom look even larger.
3. Coats and Jackets
Select the right cut in coats and jackets to create an illusion of small bottom.
• If you are wearing a long skirt, wear a short jacket over it.
• Wear a long jacket if you are going for a short skirt, as the length of the jacket will camouflage your bottom.
• Avoid boxy styled jackets as they may highlight the size of your bottom. Wear jackets that are just a notch above being a perfect fit and tapers gently.
• Avoid short-waist jackets, which finish at the waistline or halfway up your bottom, as it will highlight your bottom.
• When selecting coats, go for a tailored look that will balance your big bottom and also give you a feminine shape.
4. Dresses
For evenings, wear empire dresses and avoid bias-cut and clingy styles.
5. Color
• Dark colors give slimming effect to a figure. Wear dark brown, charcoal, and black as base colors.
• You can wear bright colored blouses or tops and add neck accessories to shift focus to your upper body.
• Avoid clothes with horizontal lines around your bottom.
6. Accessories
• Use accessories to divert attention to your face and upper body.
• Use earrings, brooches, and necklaces in such a way, that the attention shifts to your upper body.
• If you have to wear belts, then wear a hipster belt which flits across a bum.
Hipster belts have the property to halve the size of a big bottom.
7. Body Shapers
You can also downplay your ample bum with body shapers. These not only make your bottom look slim, bit also improves the look of an outfit. Go for these magic knickers to give the right shape and size to your ample bottom.
Having a big butt is actually pretty cool. I mean look at J Lo and Kylie Minogue - the world is drooling over their sexy butts. So go ahead and rock those parties and look great and remember to flaunt that butt. But if you're still feeling conscious, use a few of our tips and highlight some of your best features, like those well-toned legs.