Jackets: How not to look fat in them

Woman wearing a slimming fashion jacket
Photo: MRProduction/Shutterstock
One of the most fascinating aspects of modern day dressing is that we can hide to a large extent any feature of our shape or size which is undesirable to us. All that we need to do is use certain techniques and select only well tailored clothes to do so.
Jackets are one such example of clothing which can go a long way in giving a sense of proportion to the outline. A jacket can make small shoulders look broader or a heavy waistline can be made to look less heavy if the jacket fits you in right areas. A short jacket is a wonderful tool to camouflage unwanted bulges.
Following are a few guidelines on how to select and wear jackets in such a way that you don’t look fat.
• First, the obvious one, avoid too tight jackets that emphasize all the wrong places. Select only the jackets that fit and compliment your figure. This however does not mean that you opt for loose/ill fitting jackets; they will make you appear heavier than you actually are.
• A high collared jacket isn’t just striking but also gives an illusion of extended length to your neck, brings out the jaw line and dresses you up.
• Choose dark or neutral color jackets over brighter or lighter ones. Lighter colors appear to add volume, something you wouldn’t need. Black is always the safest color in this regard.
• Try to use the same color trousers/skirt as the jacket, as that focuses the eye on your vertical aspect and removes the emphasis from the width of your outline. This creates slim look.
• If you must wear striped jackets, then forget about wearing horizontal stripes as that brings attention to your width. Go for vertical stripes, which have the opposite effect.
• A casual jacket with a chunky bow tied right over your tummy, i.e. in case your tummy is on the heavier side, would again help in hiding this aspect of your figure to a large extent.
• Never go for a jacket that finishes at the bulkiest part of your physique. For example if you have a heavy waist, it would make sense to go for a jacket that ends up below your waist, similarly if hips are your issue than go for the jacket that covers the hips.
• Creating contrasts can bring out the best of your outline. For example, a tight figure fitting tee shirt underneath a loose and unbuttoned long length jacket creates a slimming look.
• Finally, don’t be shy to flaunt your best bits. If you think you have a great bust but no so great waist, then wear your jacket and the blouse or shirt underneath in such a way that attention is focused on your bust and not on the waist.
So it’s amply clear that with intelligent and well informed choices, a jacket is a great piece of clothing to make you look slimmer. However, having said that I must quickly add that much more important than these ‘solutions’ is to maintain a positive attitude and be proud of your body.