Sara Rue Hairstyles

American actress Sara Rue was born on January 26th 1979 in New York City. Sara played the roles of Claudia Casey on Less Than Perfect and Carmen Ferrara on Popular.
  • Sara Rue with long sleek hair
  • short hair with outward turned ends
  • Sara Rue's bob hairstyle
  • reddish spiral curls

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After wearing her hair long and tinted in dark copper, amber shades Sara took the plunge and let go of many inches and switched to a lively blonde hue. The new hair color works much better with her complexion and brings more attention to her face without weighing her down.
The classic new lines give her much versatility for styling and she can dress the bob up and down, with either simple lines or curly, wispy elements. For her heart shaped face haircuts with textured bangs are a great way to frame her features and make her eyes the center of attention.
See also: Try celebrity hairstyles on a photo of yourself