Carrie Grant's Red Hair

Carrie Grant - Red hair in a shoulder length hairstyle
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Carrie Grant has a personality as big as life and there are two ways we can tell. One is her out lavish volcanic lava red hair and the other is her generous smile. The two blend very well together and I can well imagine Carrie would be a lot of fun to be with.
Her hair is cut to touch her shoulders and flip up in easy curls as shown or it could also be blown under or worn back in a cluster of curls and flips. The whole point with Carrie's hairstyle is, please nothing to serious!
Her make-up is like an artist's etching upon a canvas, with heavy blue/grey shadow, lashes, mascara, eyeliner, filled brows, blush and lip liner with a rose pink lip color. Her black outfit and chain gives a special effect to her British fair skin.
Carrie Grant with lava red hair
Photo by PR Photos
Carrie Grant
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More medium hairstyles