Sarah Lancaster's Simple Hairstyle

Sarah Lancaster - Scarf wearing colors that look good with brown hair
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Sarah Lancaster is a smart cookie, as she has learned the importance of what a touch of color does next to her face, even if most of it is white. When you analyze her face and the scarf you can see that the blue color stands out with her dress.
The cool colors of the dress and scarf set off her attractive brown hair and also bring out her greenish hazel eyes. This simple look is styled with a large round brush while blown dry.
The top is sectioned and held back by a hairclip or barrette similar to the way the girls used to wear their hair in the early fifties. Of course, ahem, that is all before my time. Because Sarah's hair is plain, not too long and mostly straight it gives the appearance of a dressier look. Simple can be classy!
Dressy look with simple hair - Sarah Lancaster
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Sarah Lancaster hairstyles