Angelina Jolie Hairstyles

American actress Angelina Jolie was born on June 4th, 1975 in Los Angeles. Angelina has been named one of the world's most beautiful women. Her acting career began in 1993 with "Cyborg 2".
Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie wearing her hair in soft waves Angelina Jolie with long dark hair French twist up-do
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Angelina wears her hair big and sexy. The length and the silky flow alone spell luxury. However with her ever growing family and busy life she cannot spend hours every day to take care of her hairstyle. She does not have to.
A perfect cut with a few smooth surface layers that seamlessly merge with her generous waves helps to keep the daily maintenance low. And if nothing else works then a simple elastic can turn long hair quickly into a chic pony tail, braided or open.
With her expressive face she can easily wear stricter hairdos that pull all of the hair out of the face and she turns into a glamour goddess with just a simple upswept do. Her hair color is a natural coffee brown to brown sugar color, both colors that flatter her skin tone and let us forget about her very early experiments in bleached blonde and even red.
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