Alexie Gilmore Hairstyles

Alexie Gilmore is an American actress, born in 1976.
Alexie Gilmore Alexie Gilmore with long wavy hair
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Alexie has a square shaped face with a prominent forehead which makes her the perfect model to sport bangs in many different lengths and shapes.
Texture along the sides helps to soften the lines of her jaw area and it also adds some playful volume along the sides. She prefers to wear her hair at medium to long length, underlining her feminity and carefree spirit.
A light natural wave makes it easy to create a lot of motion and bouncy body in her fairly thin hair, which comes to its fullest potential with a few well placed layers. She avoids too much weight on top of her head and instead resorts to casual haircuts that she can glam up down easily, depending on the occasion.
When it comes to hair colors, the whole range from medium, golden blonde to a dark brown looks very attractive on her.
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